Revenue Generation Strategies

Naming Rights, Sponsorship,
and Advertising Programs

Sponsor support is a collaborative arrangement between a municipality and external individuals, groups or organizations. In such an arrangement, funds, goods, facilities or services are provided to support a particular municipal program or service in exchange for some appropriate non-monetary benefit of approximately equal value.


Collaborative arrangements between government departments and agencies and the private sector have become commonplace. Strong policies allow your sponsorship Program to grow in a controlled manner, to ensure consistent practice, and to create a systematic approach to soliciting, managing and reporting sponsor support.


TMS group can assist with developing strong policies and procedures that will allow you to leverage this emerging revenue stream for your municipality while maintaining the overriding principles of ethics, public scrutiny, and accountability.

Setup your consultation with TMS Group today!

Fees and Charges

User fees are a commonly accepted means of generating revenue for a municipality. Typically these fees offset the tax subsidy applied by municipalities in its efforts to provide high quality programs and services to its residents. All municipalities want the best for its residents but often struggle with how to allocate scarce public tax dollars. Fees levied for a service are often set in an ad hoc manner and in many cases lack a defendable framework or formula.

An effective policy and fee setting framework will maximize the use of public money, withstand the test of public scrutiny, focus on Council priorities, and effectively allow municipalities to recover a reasonable level of the costs associated with delivering programs and services.

There are several proven models that a municipality may choose to adopt. The Municipal Services (TMS) Group will work with your municipality to review your current plan and develop a customized fees and charges framework that optimizes your fee revenue while maintaining a fair and defendable practice.

Federal, Provincial,
and Municipal Grant

Government grants are a viable and significant source of revenue for municipalities. The challenge for many administrations is the lack of time to identify and apply for these critical funding sources.

The Municipal Services (TMS) Group can assist your municipality in identifying and applying for a variety of government grants.